Time flies, I didn't recognized it was already 8 months passed since I went here.
I am excited to see my family and friends back home again, but somehow, I will miss the comfort Japan had offered me, that I don't think the Philippines can give. The comfort of walking in the streets even late at night, unafraid of snatchers and other lawless elements. The comfort of the train system. The comfort of technologies for everyday life.
I will be spending the next 20 days in my beloved Philippines, I know I need to keep attuned again to the way of living back there. I need to keep updated on what was happening in my family and my country. I missed them so much.
In about a while, I will be seeing Manila again. The bustling noise of the city, pollution and traffic.
It may seem to be so far away from what I had the past 8 months, I am not worried for I am home.
PS: My friends here in Japan, See you after 20 days.